Thursday, May 28, 2015

Arkansas to Indiana, and back home to PA

After a year in "P.A." (Port Angeles), 
it's back to PA (Pennsylvania)! 

An update on the road signs passed....

The lovely & relaxing view from 
my favorite front porch in Indiana!! 

Thanks to Jeffri, Ashley & Rose(bud) for fabulous home cooking, down right competitive Corn Hole, Treasure Hunting in the Corn Fields, several nights of good company, and a fabulous trip over the Erie Canal!!! (lol! ;)

...and back on the Road.....

And back to my Home Sweet Home State! ;)

Saturday, May 23, 2015


Great Times with Great Friends. Camping, dogs, fires (almost!), Bloody Marys.  Big Dam Bridges & river walks. 
Fried Green Tomatoes! 

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

5 States down, Washington to Kansas

Well, I've made it through 5 states so far, and gone over 1800 miles.  I managed to avoid getting whisked away in a Tornado going through Kansas, despite what looked like scary clouds to me, all day long.  I kept planning out what I would do if I saw a funnel cloud drop from the sky....I tottered between the ideas of pulling over and covering my head in my front seat, getting out and laying my body in a ditch, or driving over the grassy median, and high-tailing it in whatever direction seemed opposite the prevailing onslaught direction of the twister.  Fortunately, none of my plans had to be put to the test!  :)  Tomorrow, it's on to Arkansas and some more good friends.

Monday, May 18, 2015

The journey cross country begins!

The Journey Cross Country Begins!

And the journey has begun!  A fabulous beginning at the home of the wonderful Scout Broadhead. Thank you!

Dinner and catch up with treasured old friend, Huck! 

And a wonderful and fun evening with great friends at the MossBoss Palace.  The best!!! :)  (despite catching a bit of Ebola and a Vague Fear of something called ISIS! doh!)

Blew through Oregon without incident (WITH cruise control on!), and then into Idaho, where even I didn't have to set cruise control, with a speed limit of 80! ha ha ha, Whoo!!!

Caught up with dear ole' pal, Susan Cole from our Study Abroad to Australia days and husband Doug and got to meet their two wonderful (and sweet! impressive!) sons, Sam & Max.

Today it's onward to old haunts of Salt Lake City, Utah, where I may, perhaps, see two loving, furry, & very excitable creatures from my past!

Thursday, May 14, 2015

And the Packing challenge begins!

Let the Tetris game begin!
no problem, because...
  I never met a car I couldn't pack! ;)